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General meeting

Adocia is a biotechnology company specialized in the development of best-in-class medicines from already approved therapeutic proteins.

Annual shareholders’ meeting 13/06/2024
Notice of meeting and convocation to the General Shareholders' meeting :
Invitation to the General Shareholders’ meeting (French only) Icon check
Preparatory documents to the General Shareholders' meeting :
Number of voting rights (May and June 2024) Icon check
Table of financial resolutions Icon check
Text of the resolutions Icon check
List of other corporate offices currently held by the Directors and Board Icon check
Shareholders' brochure (French only) Icon check
Voting Form (French only) Icon check
Statutory Auditors' Reports :
Auditor’s report on financial statements (French only) Icon check
Auditor’s report on related party agreements and commitments (French only) Icon check
Auditor’s report on consolidated financial statements (French only) Icon check
Auditors’ report on the resolutions (French only) Icon check
Auditors’ report on remuneration (French only) Icon check
General Shareholders' meeting :
General Shareholders' meeting presentation (French only) Icon check
Quorum (French only) Icon check
Voting results (French only) Icon check
Minutes of the General Shareholders’ meeting (French only) Icon check
Report of the Board of Directors (French only) Icon check
Annual shareholders’ meeting 11/05/2023
Notice of meeting and convocation to the General Shareholders' meeting
Prior invitation to the General Shareholders’ meeting (French only) Icon check
Invitation (French only) Icon check
Preparatory documents to the General Shareholders' meeting
Number of voting rights (April and May 2023) Icon check
Table of financial resolutions Icon check
Text of the resolutions Icon check
List of other corporate offices held by the Directors and Board Observer Icon check
List of the Board members proposed Icon check
Shareholders' brochure (French only) Icon check
Voting Form (French only) Icon check
Statutory Auditors' Reports
Auditor’s report on financial statements (French only) Icon check
Auditor’s report on related party agreements and commitments (French only) Icon check
Auditor’s report on consolidated financial statements (French only) Icon check
Auditors’ report on the resolutions (French only) Icon check
Auditors’ report on remuneration (French only) Icon check
General Shareholders' meeting
General Shareholders' meeting presentation (French only) Icon check
Quorum (French only) Icon check
Voting results (French only) Icon check
Minutes of the General Shareholders’ meeting (French only) Icon check
Report of the Board of Directors (French only) Icon check
Annual shareholders’ meeting 28/06/2022
Notice of meeting and convocation to the General Shareholders' meeting
Prior invitation to the General Shareholder's meeting (French only) Icon check
Invitation (French only) Icon check
Preparatory documents to the General Shareholders' meeting
Number of voting rights (May and June 2022) Icon check
Table of financial resolutions Icon check
Text of the resolutions Icon check
List of the corporate offices held by the Directors and Board Observer Icon check
Shareholders' brochure (French only) Icon check
Voting Form (French only) Icon check
Statutory Auditors' reports
Auditors’ report on financial statements Icon check
Auditors' report on related party agreements and commitments Icon check
Auditors’ report on consolidated financial statements Icon check
Auditors’ report on the resolutions (French only) Icon check
Auditors’ report on remuneration (French only) Icon check
General Shareholders' meeting
General Shareholders’ meeting presentation (French only) Icon check
Quorum (French only) Icon check
Voting results (French only) Icon check
Minutes of the General Shareholder’s meeting (French only) Icon check
Report of the Board of Directors (French only) Icon check
Annual shareholders’ meeting 21/05/2021
Notice of meeting and convocation to the General Shareholders’ meeting
Prior invitation to the General Shareholders’ meeting (French only) Icon check
Invitation (French only) Icon check
Preparatory documents to the General Shareholders’ meeting
Number of voting rights (April and May 2021) (French only) Icon check
Table of financial resolutions Icon check
Text of the resolutions Icon check
List of other corporate offices held by the Directors and Board Observer Icon check
List of the Board members proposed Icon check
Shareholders’ brochure (French only) Icon check
Voting Form (French only) N/A
Statutory Auditors’ Reports
Auditor’s report on financial statements (French only) Icon check
Auditor’s report on related party agreements and commitments (French only) Icon check
Auditor’s report on consolidated financial statements (French only) Icon check
Auditors’ reports on the resolutions (French only) Icon check
Auditors’ report on remuneration (French only) Icon check
General Shareholders’ meeting
General Shareholders’ meeting presentation (French only) Icon check
Quorum (French only) Icon check
Voting results (French only) Icon check
Minutes of the General Shareholders’ meeting (French only) Icon check
Report of the Board of Directors (French only) Icon check
Annual shareholders’ meeting 28/05/2020
Notice of meeting and convocation to the General Shareholders’ meeting
Prior invitation to the General Shareholders’ meeting Icon check
Invitation (French only) Icon check
Preparatory documents to the General Shareholders’ meeting
Number of voting rights (May 2020) Icon check
Table of financial resolutions Icon check
Text of the resolutions Icon check
List of other corporate offices held by the Directors and Board Observer Icon check
Shareholders’ brochure (French only) N/A
Voting Form (French only) Icon check
Statutory Auditors’ Reports
Auditor’s report on financial statements (French only) Icon check
Auditor’s report on related party agreements and commitments (French only) Icon check
Auditor’s report on consolidated financial statements (French only) Icon check
Auditors’ report on the resolutions (French only) Icon check
Auditors’ report on remuneration (French only) Icon check
General Shareholders’ meeting
General Shareholders’ meeting presentation (French only) N/A
Quorum (French only) Icon check
Voting results (French only) Icon check
Minutes of the General Shareholders’ meeting (French only) Icon check
Report of the Board of Directors (French only) N/A
Annual shareholders’ meeting 16/05/2019
Notice of meeting and convocation to the General Shareholders’ meeting
Prior invitation to the General Shareholders’ meeting Icon check
Invitation (French only) Icon check
Preparatory documents to the General Shareholders’ meeting
Number of voting rights (April and May 2019) Icon check
Table of financial resolutions Icon check
Text of the resolutions Icon check
List of other corporate offices held by the Directors and Board Observer Icon check
Shareholders’ brochure (French only) N/A
Voting Form (French only) Icon check
Statutory Auditors’ Reports
Auditor’s report on financial statements (French only) Icon check
Auditor’s report on related party agreements and commitments (French only) Icon check
Auditor’s report on consolidated financial statements (French only) Icon check
Auditors’ report on the resolutions (French only) Icon check
Auditors’ report on remuneration (French only) Icon check
General Shareholders’ meeting
General Shareholders’ meeting presentation (French only) Icon check
Quorum (French only) Icon check
Voting results (French only) Icon check
Minutes of the General Shareholders’ meeting (French only) Icon check
Report of the Board of Directors (French only) N/A
Extraordinary shareholders’ meeting 09/11/2018
Annual shareholders’ meeting 17/05/2018
Shareholder’s Guide Icon check N/A
Prior invitation to General Shareholders’ meeting Icon check Icon check
Number of voting rights Icon check Icon check
Table of financial resolutions N/A Icon check
Text of the resolutions N/A Icon check
List of the Board of Directors and the Deputy General Managers Icon check Icon check
Report of the board to EGM:
Report of the board of directors Icon check N/A
Auditors’ reports on the resolutions (French only) N/A N/A
Auditor’s report on financial statements (French only) N/A N/A
Auditor’s report on consolidated financial statements (French only) N/A N/A
Auditor’s report on related party agreements and commitments (French only) N/A N/A
Auditors’ attestation on remuneration (French only) N/A Icon check
Invitation Icon check N/A
Voting Form Icon check Icon check
Quorum Icon check Icon check
Voting results Icon check Icon check
Minutes of General Shareholders’ meeting Icon check Icon check
Annual shareholders’ meeting 21/06/2017
Prior invitation to General Shareholders’ meeting N/A
Number of voting rights Icon check
Table of financial resolutions N/A
List of the Board of Directors and the Deputy General Managers Icon check
Report of the board to EGM:
Auditors’ reports on the resolutions (French only) Icon check
Auditors’ attestation on remuneration (French only) N/A
Invitation Icon check
Voting Form N/A
Quorum (French only) Icon check
Voting results (French only) Icon check
Minutes of General Shareholders’ meeting Icon check
Annual shareholders’ meeting 21/06/2016
Prior invitation to General Shareholders’ meeting Icon check
Number of voting rights Icon check
Text of the resolutions N/A
List of the Board of Directors and the Deputy General Managers Icon check
Report of the board to EGM N/A
Auditors’ reports on the resolutions (French Only) N/A
Auditors’ attestation on remuneration (French Only) N/A
Invitation Icon check
Voting Form Icon check
Quorum Icon check
Voting results Icon check
Minutes of General Shareholders’ meeting Icon check
Extraordinary shareholders’ meeting 12/11/2015
Annual shareholders’ meeting 27/03/2015
Prior invitation to General Shareholders’ meeting Icon check Icon check
Number of voting rights Icon check Icon check
Table of financial resolutions N/A N/A
Text of the resolutions Icon check Icon check
List of the Board of Directors and the Deputy General Managers Icon check N/A
Report of the board to EGM (French only) N/A Icon check
Auditors’ reports on the resolutions Icon check Icon check
Auditors’ attestation on remuneration N/A N/A
Invitation Icon check Icon check
Voting Form Icon check Icon check
Quorum Icon check Icon check
Voting results Icon check Icon check
Minutes of General Shareholders’ meeting Icon check Icon check
Prior invitation to General Shareholders’ meeting N/A
Invitation N/A
Information booklet N/A
Voting Form N/A
Quorum N/A
Voting results Icon check
Minutes of General Shareholders’ meeting Icon check
Prior invitation to General Shareholders’ meeting (French only) Icon check
Invitation (French only) Icon check
Voting Form (French only) Icon check
Quorum (French only) Icon check
Présentation-Adocia-AG-18-juin-2013-VF-VDA N/A
Voting results Icon check
Minutes of General Shareholders’ meeting (French only) Icon check
Prior invitation to General Shareholders’ meeting N/A
Invitation N/A
Information booklet N/A
Voting Form N/A
Quorum N/A
General Shareholders’ meeting presentation June 18, 2012 N/A
Votingresults N/A
Minutes of General Shareholders’ meeting N/A